Sunday, July 3, 2011

Perth 1 - Barrack Square

so I have decided to blog about my Autumn Perth trip.. finally. Let's start with Barrack Square in Perth City. Barrack Square is an open public square located right beside the Swan River. Swan Bells or The Bell Tower is located at Barrack Square which I would say is one of Perth's most unique attractions. I was always amazed by the scenery and the bluish sky in Perth. My first visit to Barrack Square was guided by Jiali (thanks dear <3).

It is located at the southern end of barrack street. and here u can see The Bell Tower was just in front of us.

the jetties
We actually took a ferry to Perth Zoo from here.

Jelly fish is everywhere in this tranquil river. Can you imagine how amazing is this scenery.

 U can just ignore the person in this picture. I just want to show u the bell tower.

To reach here, other than walking, u can take blue CAT(the free city shuttle) and stop at station 18 - Barrack Square
ta. till next :DD

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