Saturday, February 19, 2011

look out point

14th February 2011
the Valentine's night at look out point

haven restaurant


our expensive drinks

my hot chocolate and his lemonade

our foods
expensive and not nice eh

couples are everywhere

heehe curi-curi snap the sweet couple

flowers and bear bear are sold everywhere

feel the love

the scenery is amazing~ but it is not shown in my photos = =

thanks for everything :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

CNY outing

10th February 2011

Restaurant Bukit Jugra (丐帮名菜叫化餐厅) @ Banting

the famous beggar's chicken (叫化鸡)


oh jian

mimi at the restaurant

 Dong Chan Si (佛光山 - 东禅寺)

dragon zai

thanks har! :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

又是一个大‘肥’年 吃个不停吖

丰富又好料 妈妈做的肉圆 超好吃 还有那个胡椒鲍鱼猪肚汤 辣辣暖暖的

虽然一年一次 不过还是肥死了 肥容易要瘦就真的很难叻

好吃的要命 芋头番薯夹年糕

小霉 泥泥子 也要吃吖
my nini da wish you a joyous, prosperous and healthy bunny year~

嗯 希望家人平安健康 快快乐乐~

Monday, February 14, 2011

for my valentine ♥

the super duper lovely delicious homemade cupcakes
as a surprise for him blek ;P

cute paper cups

mission completed! vanilla cupcakes with chocolate topping~
i love cupcakes decoration~ it is so much fun~

easy to make, lovely cute looking, yummy sweet taste :)

Happy Valentine's Day

eehhmmm . . please forgive my foolishness . .
laugh die you hahahaha!